Pedigree Quinllan - .:: Greek-Summer ::. Parson Jack Russell Terrier

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Hunde > Rüde > Quinllan


1. Generation

2. Generation

3. Generation

4. Generation

5. Generation

6. Generation

Pacolito Phirstprize

Spellbert Captain Jack

Rymshott Uno-Able

Howlbeck Gorgeous George

Windynook Lord of the Rings

Howlbeck Uno-Piper
Windynook Bonny Lass

Howlbeck Snowqueen

Howlbeck One-To-Go
Glanpreseli Hey Jude

Rymshott Lite-Foot

Howlbeck Rymshott Able Lad

Howlbeck Uno-Who
Howlbeck River Pearl

Howlbeck Tagzy

Howlbeck Uno-Piper

Howlbeck Wat-A-Girl

Pacolito Phlirt at Spellbert

Windynook Wind EM Up at Pacolito

Windynook Whizz Kid

Howlbeck Uno-Piper

Piper's Lass

Windynook Heaven

Howlbeck Uno-Piper

Windynook Bonny Lass

Pacolito Picturesque

Pacolito Chunky Monkey

Windynook Lord of the Rings

Baby Ritz By Pacolito

Pacolito Ambiance

Gopher Gloree with Pacolito

Baby Ritz by Pacolito

Pacolito Phirstclass

Pacolito Patriach

Codered of Lovealoch

Ratpack Gouldy

Zenon of Lovealoch

Ratpack Lady Luck

Brunsparagon Blaze Coral

Brunsparagon Boris the Bold

Brunsparagon Banjo Annie

Pacolito Penash

Gopher Gloree with Pacolito

Jagen Smokin Sqirrel at Jappatin

Immie's Princess

Baby Ritz by Pacolito

Ratpack Jonny The Ritz to Pacolito

Pacolito Kamakazi Squirrel

Windynook Weave Ya Spell with Pacolito

Windynook Whizz Kid

Howlbeck Uno-Piper

Howlbeck Uno-Who

Howlbeck Penny a Day

Piper's Lass

Howlbeck Piper

Ibbsparr Pippa-Dee

Windynook Bonny Lass

Howlbeck Uno-Who

Howlbeck Pacific Diver

Howlbeck Tinker Tailer

Piper's Lass

Howlbeck Piper

Ibbsparrr Pippa-Dee


1. Generation

2. Generation

3. Generation

4. Generation

5. Generation

6. Generation


Foxwarren Darrell

Foxwarren Mason

Foxwarren Lynton Jack

Foxwarren Digger II

Foxwarren Lee Roy/ LeeRoy
Foxwarren Little Thistle

Foxwarren Snatchit II

Foxwarren Badger
Foxwarren Smarty II

Foxwarren Classic

Foxwarren Badger

Foxwarren Flint III
Foxwarren Spider II

Foxwarren Cloud

Foxwarren Ace II
Strongwood Sky of FW

Pontebbw Bramble

of Foxwarren

Foxwarren Vinny

of Maeglas

Foxwarren Digger II

Foxwarren Lee Roy/ LeeRoy
Foxwarren Little Thistle

Foxwarren Button

Foxwarren Flint III
Foxwarren Spider II

Foxwarren Lucky

Foxwarren Digger II

Foxwarren Lee Roy/ LeeRoy

Foxwarren Little Thistle

Foxwarren Spider II

Foxwarren Little Fell
Foxwarren Contessa II

Jenna Lia

CWN Annwfn Beowulf

vom Münsterland Ajax

Rushill Ben

Maypole Brock
Rushill Sparky

Kingsway Maggie

Kingsway Dodger
Pengeli Morran

Gwragged Annwn

Sonata Arctica

Cameron van't Geystersveld

Kylini Legend

It's Me Number Nine

Cwragged Annwn Britania

Trumpmoor Exmoor Tasty

Jackpack BB of GA


Gaia I'm your Sweetheart

Outlaw Barclay

Paxtron Trooper

Paxton Mr. Harris
Foxcombe Damson

Outlaw Bacardi

Foxwarren Finnegan

Outlaw Fancy


Aglaia Agapi

Little Hunter E.T.

vom Ewaldshof Grubi's Georgio

Little Hunter Poona

Jenna von Greek-Summer

Big Bully vom Liesenfeld

Daisy vom Thomashof

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